
Frétt: Ný umræðuskjöl frá CEIOPS


Umsagnarfrestur fyrir öll skjölin er til 12. janúar 2007.

1. Umræðuskjal nr. 20: "Draft Advice to the European Commission in the Framework of the Solvency II project on Pillar I issues - further advice”.

2. Umræðuskjal nr.19: "Draft Advice to the European Commission in the Framework of the Solvency II Project on Safety measures".

3. Umræðuskjal nr. 18: "Draft Advice to the European Commission in the Framework of the Solvency II project on Supervisory powers - further advice"

4. Umræðuskjal nr. 17: "Draft Advice to the European Commission in the Framework of the Solvency II project on Pillar II capital add-ons for solo and group undertakings

5. Umræðuskjal nr. 16:  "Draft Advice to the European Commission in the Framework of the Solvency II project on Pillar II issues relevant for reinsurance"

6. Umræðuskjal nr. 15:  "Draft Advice to the European Commission on Supervisory reporting  and Public Disclosure in the Framework of the Solvency II project"

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